NPM: 15112474
Kelas: 4KA01
Exercise 1.3
Consider the implementation
strategies for massively multiplayer online games as discussed in Section
1.2.2. In particular, what advantages do you see in adopting a single server
approach for representing the state of the multiplayer game? What problems can
you identify and how might they be resolved?
Technically there is no significant difference in the workings of cloud and client applications on the server. Client sends request data or applications from the server, and the server will respond with running applications and send data to the client. The novelty is in the handling of the server. In the traditional client server, the server must be configured and managed, could be in the application server or the client, the client must know where the application data should be stored. While the cloud eliminates the hassles of managing servers, clients simply have to connect to the cloud via the Internet, the cloud will be managing his own where he will store applications and data, making backups, and others, the client does not need to know.
There are two types of MMO games. There are real-time games that have high interaction between user like Rising Force and Dota 2, and there are games that do not require high interaction between the user and the nature turn and wait like Pokopang and Ninja Saga. Two game genre requires two different architectures.
For games like Farmville standard architecture of the server is sufficient, because the gameplay is personal to each user does not need to be real-time interaction between users directly so low that bandwidth capacity is not too inedible. Games that require real-time interaction between hundreds or thousands of users need to have multiple servers because of the gameplay requires a lot of users directly involved in it, so there needs to be multiple servers to menshare bandwidth.
- Coulouris, Dollimore, Kindberg and Blair. 2012. Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design. Edition 5.
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